Tuesday, July 22, 2014

FERC - Complaints on Notice for Meetings

made for Durbin,WV 8/7/2014
F E R C / D O M I N I O N - C O M P L A I N T S
Cove Point, MD -2012

Two residents stated they did not receive proper notification one explaining that no one in her entire community received a letter as required. 
Bob Hugh: " I was not notified of this meeting by FERC. And I live about a mile and a half from Dominion Cove Point. I received my notice of this meeting yesterday through my Cove Cover HOA"
Jean Marie Neal representing the Cove of Calvert Home Owners' Association stated
that "We've been watching and reading the legal ads and I haven't seen any. So maybe we just missed them; but people in our community were really surprised that there was no more effort for public notification for something that's as important as a scoping meeting.
August 8th letter to FERC
"We fail to see how this would be in the public interest 
or that of our community from an environmental, \safety, 
and economic perspective."
Since then we have been able through PUBLIC FILINGS 
 learn more about the project. 
We've also come to realize how little 
 information is now available to the public. 
As the contact person for the HOA on this, 
I am stunned at the enormous and wide-reaching 
scale of this project. 
In closing, I would like the record to note 
that it is 
really a myth that Dominion Cove Point 
consults with its neighbors 
and keeps us informed. 
We all read about the new plans in the Calvert Recorder. 
Our HOA has NEVER been contacted through the years by 
Dominion until the HOA sent its letter to DOE and FERC.
 I have talked to many people in surrounding communities 
in the last month, and they say the same thing.
After we sent our letter it got their attention 
and the Board and I met with Dominion. 
Their presentation basically 
followed their presentation on their website.
We did appreciate the meeting and their time. 
But no one there tried to address the 
concerns in our letter. 
I don't think anybody even had a copy in 
front of them; I didn't see it."

Magie Suter, FERC - Environmental Manager response:

"Just in terms of the method of notification, 
the Notice of Intent that was mailed out, 
it was mailed to all of the landowners 
and  affected landowners, interested parties, 
public interest groups; 
it was mailed to libraries, 
it was mailed to newspapers, it
was mailed to a very large group.
That is how the mailing list went out. 
We tried to reach as many folks 
as we can through our notices. 
We do recognize that it is a large mailing list, 
and not everyone is reached, 
but we do try to reach as many as we can. 
Some newspapers choose to run with stories and issue notices; 
some choose not to. 
We do apologize that not everyone is notified, 
but we do make every effort to reach as 
many people as we can 
and to cast as wide a spread as we can.

When we came to the open houses, 

we also had the mailing list with us, 
to add folks to the mailing list that maybe were not 
on Dominion's original mailing list.
So we do try to constantly expand our mailing list. 
Just like tonight, we had more sign-in sheets.
If you did not receive the original notice, 
you can again sign up to make sure that you 
receive the environmental document 
and any additional mailings that we send out. 
We do constantly try to expand our mailing list 
to reach everyone. 
We are always trying to expand."

Source: FERC - Dominion Cove Point LNP,LP
Docket No. PF12-16-000
Environmental scoping meeting

9 Oct 2012

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