FERC says NO to Dominion
"The intent of our measure is to ensure
the minimization of sediment runoff
the minimization of sediment runoff
from the construction right-of-way
into streams and wetlands and onto roads.

Photo by Ed Wade Jr, Copyrighted, Wetzel County Action Group

Photo by Ed Wade Jr, Copyrighted, Wetzel County Action Group
We are not convinced that Dominion's
alternative measure would provide an equal
or greater level of environmental protection
alternative measure would provide an equal
or greater level of environmental protection
to the sensitive resources.
Therefore, we deny Dominion's request
for this alternative measure and recommend
that they revise their ESCP to reflect this finding."
for this alternative measure and recommend
that they revise their ESCP to reflect this finding."
"Section 4.F.1 of our Plan delineates the spacing of temporary slope breakers based on
the degree of incline of slopes near streams, wetlands, and roads.
Dominion has
requested that where a proposed right-of-ways parallel existing pipelines,
Dominion's Environmental Inspector (EI) be allowed to determine in the field
the spacing of slope breakers based on site conditions.
We are not convinced
that Dominion's alternative measure would provide an equal or greater level of
environmental protection to the sensitive resources.
The intent of our measure
is to ensure the minimization of sediment runoff from the construction
right-of-way into streams and wetlands and onto roads.
the temporary slope breakers into unknown and unspecified spacing of existing permanent
slope breakers may or may not achieve the same level of protection.
Therefore, we deny Dominion's request for this alternative measure
and recommend that they revise their ESCP to reflect this finding.
we recommend that:
slope breakers are used in disturbed areas to reduce the speed of run-off
sediment and to divert water away from the site of river crossing construction
Prior to
construction, Dominion should revise the relevant section of its
conform to section 4.F.1 of our Plan which specifies a
spacing of temporary slope breakers on the construction
near the crossings of streams, wetlands, and roads.
Source: Section 4.F.1
Environmental Assessment for APPALACHIAN GATEWAY PROJECT
OEP/DG2E/Gas3, Dominion Transmission Inc.
CP10-448-000, PF09-15-000
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Office of Energy Projects
Washington, DC
March 2011
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